Živa Kubot, Zala Motaln
The relationship between study-life balance and academic burnout and engagement: The moderating role of academic motivation
Ajda Makar, Nina Strelec, Saša Gorišek
Psycholgy students and student jobs: Descriptive analysis and work satisfaction
Ajda Novak, Aleksandra Bojković
Beliefs about the novel coronavirus and the infected in Slovenia and Serbia
Katrin Češčut, Lea Kopač
Experiencing flow, mindfulness and body consciousness in karatekas
Anja Ašič, Jerca Bergant, Maša Lebar, Leja Mauko, Katja Škoda
Correlation between adolescents’ manipulation and perceived parenting style
Lev Kiar Avberšek
Modelling the symptoms of semantic dementia with deep neural networks
Kristina Rakinić, Urška Filipič, Eva Brvar, Iris Cilenšek, Maja Vovko
Experiencing telework in time of COVID-19: A qualitative study